Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (2025)

by February Cortes

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (1)
Zinc Ore
Material TypeMetal
Found in
  • Southpoint Docks
  • Flotsam Shores
  • Hidden Thicket
Related FacilityFoundry
OutputZinc Ingots
  • Astrid’s Bungalow Improvement (Small Fridge)
  • Gustav’s Gallery Improvement (Neoclassical Nordic Fireplace)
  • Chicken Coop Improvement
  • Crusher
  • Lounge
  • Master Blueprint Upgrade
  • Choral Bouquet Boat Improvement
Buying PriceUnknown
Selling Price150 Glims

Zinc Ore falls under the mineable metals category of Spiritfarer. You can mine this material from nodes found on a number of islands, and are then turned into zinc ingots through the Foundry.

How To Get Zinc Ore (All Nodes)

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (2)

Here are all of the exact node locations where zinc ores can be found:

Southpoint Docks

To reach this location just sail towards Southpoint Docks at X: 157, Y: 22, on the World Map’s eastern region. Do note that this island requires the Rock Destroyer Boat Improvement.

Zinc Ore #1

Step 1: From the island’s starting point, bounce on the first dumpster bin you see to reach the scaffolding up top.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (3)

Step 2: Climb on the ladder on your right to find the zinc ore up top.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (4)

Zinc Ore #2

Step 1: Go back to the ground and run to your far right.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (5)

Step 2: Once you find the elevator, ride it all the way to the top.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (6)

Step 3: After getting off the elevator, walk to your right to find the second zinc ore node.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (7)

Flotsam Shores

The next island is Flotsam Shores, at X: 109, Y: -107. This island is located just south of Southpoint Docks, which means that it also requires the Rock Destroyer Boat Improvement.

Zinc Ore #1

Step 1: From the starting point, head right until you find a shipping container with a door. Head inside.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (8)

Step 2: Once inside, drop down to the very bottom floor.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (9)

Step 3: Then head right again past the two yellow spirits and find a small bouncy platform. Bounce on it to reach the next floor.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (10)

Step 4: Keep going right until you find the zinc ore node.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (11)

Zinc Ore #2

Step 1: From the last zinc node, continue right to find another bouncy platform.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (12)

Step 2: Bounce on it to reach the higher floor to your left (in line with the red-colored wall) where the next zinc node is.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (13)

Zinc Ore #3

Step 1: Drop down on the bouncy platform and this time, bounce until you reach the very top floor with the yellow and green walls.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (14)

Step 2: Walk left to find another bouncy platform and use it to reach the top with the door.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (15)

Step 3: Exit outside, and you’ll find the final zinc node on the roof of the shipping container.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (16)

Hidden Thicket

The last island is Hidden Thicket, at X: -42, Y: -91. To reach this island, you need to have the Mist Cleaner 1000 Boat Improvement from Albert’s Shipyard.

Once you have the upgrade, head towards the island, located on the World Map’s south-eastern section, and near the bottom of the Everdoor gate.

After arriving on the island, walk right and jump into the water until you reach the next islet where the last zinc node is.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (17)

Growing Zinc Ore

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (18)

Other than getting zinc ore from nodes, you also have the option of growing them once you unlock any of the three Turtle Sisters. Just plant a zinc ore on any of the spots on their backs and mine once they’re fully grown.

Here are the locations of all three Turtle Sisters:

  • Olga (X: 81, Y: 28)
  • Masha (X: -91, Y: 138)
  • Irina (X: 127, Y: -76)

How To Make Zinc Ingots

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (19)

In order to smelt your own zinc ingots, you will need the Foundry. This building requires the following materials:

  • 10 Coals
  • 10 Oak Planks

Once the Foundry is built, here are the steps you need to follow to get your ingots:

Step 1: Head inside and interact with the furnace in the middle to place some coal. You can put as much coal as you wish.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (20)

Step 2: Head to the left side and interact with the compartment to place some of the zinc ore from your inventory. You can input up to 50 if you prefer.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (21)

Step 3: Once the items have been confirmed, the minigame will begin. Interact with the bellows on each side in an alternating manner to push the needle up to the required temperature.

To avoid overheating the furnace, make sure that the indicator never goes over the indicated temperature.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (22)

Step 4: Once the thermometer fills up, the ingots will fall on the basket at the right, and you can collect them there.

Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (23)

Zinc Ingot Uses

Here are all of the buildings and construction improvements that use zinc ingots in their materials:

Astrid’s Bungalow Improvement (Small Fridge)
  • 2 zinc ingots
  • 5 ash planks
  • 2 copper ingots
  • 400 glims
Gustav’s Gallery Improvement (Neoclassical Nordic Fireplace)
  • 10 zinc ingots
  • 7 slates
  • 6 marbles
  • 1 steel plate
  • 1,000 glims
Chicken Coop Improvement
  • 4 zinc ingots
  • 14 ash planks
  • 12 wool fabrics
  • 5 bottled ectoplasm
  • 450 glims
  • 5 zinc ingots
  • 7 pulsar ingots
  • 15 ash planks
  • 10 zinc ingots
  • 14 ash planks
Master Blueprint
  • 10 zinc ingots
  • 10 silica powder
  • 2,800 glims
Choral Bouquet
  • 8 zinc ingots
  • 12 ash planks
  • 3 comet rocks
  • 2,000 glims

Smithy Uses

Zinc ingots can also be used inside the Smithy to make additional items:

Master Blueprint
  • 10 zinc ingots
  • 10 silica powder
  • 2,800 glims
Choral Bouquet
  • 8 zinc ingots
  • 12 ash planks
  • 3 comet rocks
  • 2,000 glims
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February Cortes 350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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Zinc Ore & Ingots (Spiritfarer) - Guide Strats (2025)


How to get zinc ingots in Spiritfarer? ›

Zinc Ingots are made at a Foundry from Zinc Ore, which can be found at the following locations:
  1. 2 nodes at Southpoint Docks.
  2. 1 node at Hidden Thicket.
  3. 3 nodes at Flotsam Shores.

Where can I find Zinc Ore? ›

You get Zinc Ore by picking up ore deposits in the Corel region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. These ore deposits containing Zinc Ore are most commonly found on Mount Corel and in the Corel region past the Golden Saucer.

How do you get ore in Spiritfarer? ›

Ores are materials that are (mostly) mined from rocks and can be smelted with coal into ingots in the foundry. Pulsar Ore cannot be mined and must be collected during its event.

How rare is zinc ore? ›

Zinc is the 23rd most abundant element in the earth's crust. Sphalerite, zinc sulfide, is and has been the principal ore mineral in the world. Zinc is necessary to modern living, and, in tonnage produced, stands fourth among all metals in world production - being exceeded only by iron, aluminum, and copper.

How do you get zinc from ore? ›

The impure zinc is heated in a retort at a temperature above 1000 K where it vaporises, leaving behind non-volatile impurities. The vapours of zinc are condensed to obtain pure zinc. This process of extraction of zinc from its ores is called Pyrometallurgy, as the extraction is carried out using heat.

Where is the best place to get zinc? ›

What are the best sources of zinc? The best source of zinc is oysters, but it's also plentiful in red meat and poultry. Other good sources of zinc include other kinds of seafood, nuts whole grains, breakfast cereals, and dairy products.

Where is Zinc Ore located? ›

Zinc is mined in over 50 countries with Canada being the leading producer, followed by Russia, Australia, Peru, United States and China. Deposits of zinc-bearing ores are found in most provinces of Canada, as well as in the Yukon and North West Territories.

Where is the hidden thicket in Spiritfarer? ›

CoordinatesNearest Bus Stop
-42, -91-74, -99

What are the coordinates for Spiritfarer? ›

Locations X, Y
NameX, YBarrier
Shadow Forest-96, -77Mist
Silver Dragon188, -44Rock
Southpoint Docks157, 22Rock
Sunspring Square151, -109Rock
41 more rows
Apr 18, 2021

How to get pulsar ingot spiritfarer? ›

This event is introduced to you by Bruce and Mickey during The Rhythm of the Night request. For this mini-game, just run head on into the glowing lights as they fly by. It's a little trickier since they move quickly, but you get Pulsar Ore with each ray that you hit. This can be made into Pulsar Ingot in the Foundry.

Where do you find Gwen in Spiritfarer? ›

Your next task is to track down where Gwen went. Ask the other spirits on your ship where she might have gone. Turns out, she's gone back to her family's old estate again. So head back to Villa Maggiore to find her.

How to get ingots in Spiritfarer? ›

By using the bellows on each side of the machine, keep pushing up the needle until it reaches the designated temperature. Keep it in between those two points until the red temperature meter fills up and the Ingots fall into the bin on the right.

What happened to Gwen Spiritfarer? ›

Ironically, smoking is what eventually killed Gwen, when she passed from lung cancer in her 40s.

How do you get Alice to recognize you Spiritfarer? ›

Speaking to Alice while wearing Annie's Beach Outfit and Red Hat before starting Annie's Lost Hat quest causes Alice not to recognize her properly the first time. You'll need to speak to her again and she should recognize you properly!

Where is the smelter for zinc? ›

The correct answer is Debari. Zinc Smelter of Hindustan Zinc Ltd. is located in Debari, Udaipur.

How do you make zinc ingot? ›

This happens by passing an electric current through cathodes and anodes. The cathodes are removed from the cells and the zinc sheets are stripped from the cathodes and sent to casting. In casting, cathode zinc is melted in furnaces and the molten zinc is made into blocks and ingots.

How do you harvest zinc? ›

Zinc ores are recovered by many mining techniques, ranging from open-pit mining (mainly in the case of oxidized ore bodies, which are located closer to Earth's surface) to the normal underground methods (used for the more deeply located sulfide ores).

Where can you find zinc metal? ›

Zinc is mined in over 50 countries with Canada being the leading producer, followed by Russia, Australia, Peru, United States and China. Deposits of zinc-bearing ores are found in most provinces of Canada, as well as in the Yukon and North West Territories.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.